Refund policy

  • The "Kinjal Threads" ,Β offers 72 Hrs replacement gap only if the product received is damaged. Mail the pictures of the defected product and we will send you the replacement within a few days.
  • All exchanges must be in unused condition with all original tags and packaging intact.
  • Product Price / Delivery Charges won't be paid back in cash, it will be paid in store credit.
  • To schedule an exchange please Whatsapp us at +91 8446323426 along with your order and exchange details.
  • Products are eligible for return if they are received in a damaged or defective condition. The same needs to be conveyed to our teamΒ within 7 working daysΒ of receiving the package. We ensure that a brand new replacement is shipped to you at a minimum additional cost. Please make sure that the original product tag and packing is intact when reverse pick up is made.If you think, you have received the product in a bad condition or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged before you open the packet, please refuse to accept the package and return the package to the delivery person.In rare cases where the quality of the product is an issue, we would require you to ship the product back to us in a safe conditionΒ within 7 working daysΒ from the day of delivery. Once we receive the product back in our office, we would issue store credits for the same value of the product. Please note that this case is only applicable in case the product is unused.

    where personal hygiene is a part of the product use case are not applicable for return. For such products, this note is mentioned directly on the product page. Our team takes the utmost care with respect to the quality of each product and tries to ensure that the item reaches you safely. However, we understand that sometimes fragile items are damaged during transit. In such cases, reach out to usΒ within 7 working daysΒ from the date of delivery.Β Ph:Β +91 8446323436 (11:00am-8:30pm, Monday to Saturday)

    In case of any queries regarding the product you wish to order, feel free to reach to us and we would be happy to share real-time product photos and videos via WhatsApp. Our WhatsApp number is +91 8446323436
  • The has self ship policy for returning and exchange of a product. Since we do not have a reverse pick up facility, we would request the customer to self-ship the product to us. When we would receive the product then only we can initiate the process of return or exchange. The expense of the self-shipping would entirely be borne by the customer.
  • While exchanging the products which are purchased, in case the products requested for exchange are not available in stock the amount will be refunded by other products.
  • If you have to return or exchange anything from a combo pack, the whole pack will have to be returned. There will not be any partial returns accepted for this. If there is a manufacturing issue, or if you have any other query regarding this, you can contact us.
  • If an order placed during a sale is returned to us, only the amount paid by you will be refunded, not the current product price.
  • Gift cards and vouchers are non-refundable.


The images of the products shown on the website may be slightly different than the product delivered in terms of shade and color as the images shown on the website are graphical representation of the product.

The takes no responsibility if in the due course of usage of the product there are any damages. If the customer has any query about the product they can email us and ask us beforehand. Damage to the product after it is used is sole responsibility of the customer. To claim an exchange or refund for a clearance product, please get in touch with us as soon as you get the delivery.

Please note shipping charges applied will not be refunded.


  • How do I cancel an order on ?
  • If unfortunately, you have to cancel an order, please do so within 24 hours of placing the order. Simply Whatsapp Us with your order number mentioned in the subject line.In case you would like to cancel the order after it is dispatched, you can simply refuse to accept the order and inform us of the same via email.
  • Please note if the order is cancelled after shipping then shipping charges applied would not be refunded.

PAYMENT accepts all major debit cards and credit cards. The payment option available for your location will be visible upon checkout